miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

How-to: Reciclyng used oil into soap

Today I'd like to talk about oil, the one that's produced in our kitchens.

After it's use, if oil (olive, sunflower or other kinds) it's not recicled or sotred properly can contaminate a lot of liters of water. 1 liter of used oil can contaminate 1000 liters of water.

A solution for that problem it's to put used oil on specific containers so it can be recicled by some companies or as it's used to be in our history, to make soap.

There are a lot of recipes for cosmetic soaps using a lot of ingredients, but today I'm going to show you the original one. This soap is suitable for cleaning clothes, floors, dishes and even (at least I do) to clean your hands.

What do we need?
- 3 liters of used oil (this recipe is made for olive oil, the saponification point is different for each type of oil).
- 3 liters of clean water.
- 0,5 kg of Sosa.
- Non-metallic bucket.
- Wood spoon or stick.

How to: 

- First put the water on the bucket.
- After that add slowly de SOSA, and keep on stiring it til it's completely dissolved.
- Add the oil, slowly and constantly removing.
- Keep on removing for an hour (more or less, you will see it changes colour and texture).
- Put the liquid soap in some plastic trays.
- Let it dry for 24 hours and cut it.
- Let it rest for a month so it dryes totally before using it.

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